Friday, October 31, 2014

#1 update

The project on #1 is moving along quite well. This week we added a thick (4-6") layer of topsoil and put in all the bunker drainage. Today we put down 13 pallets of sod today. We will continue sodding next week. 


Drains topped with gravel. The darker layer of dirt is the topsoil we added to all the bunker banks. It will really help us growing grass on the banks. 

Lots of sod

Sodding party. 

A few different shots with sod. This is the first bunker. The white line will be the edge. The bare spot left of the sod will be filled in after we add sand, but we need to be able to get in and out of the bunkers without damaging our new sod. 

Second bunker

From the tee

We'll continue to keep you updated on the progress as we move along. Hope everyone has a happy Halloween! 


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