Monday, June 16, 2014

Post Bear

I hope everyone that played in the Bear last weekend had a great time and played well. Luckily, we missed a few rains that could have put a damper on the weekend. The last few weeks of nice weather allowed us to get a lot of things done and deliver what I believe was a pretty good golf course. Now that the Bear is done we are back to work trying to improve the course. 

You may have noticed on a few of the holes that yardage tags are starting to appear on the irrigation heads. Mark ordered new tags a few weeks ago and they just showed up last Wednesday. Joe has been putting them out as fast as he can, but it is a slow process. Hopefully he will be done in a week or two and then you'll always know how far you are from the center of the green. 

There are a lot of small things that need done right now, but we're in the part of the year where we really just maintain the course and do small projects as they are needed; we will continue to repair bunker faces, we still have to finish leveling and seeding the stump holes, weed need sprayed and some flower beds still need some mulch. Basically, we're just trying to fine tune the course until the fall when rounds fall off and we start doing more invasive projects that disrupt golf. Hopefully I'll have more to say next week! 


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