Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Weevils, bunkers and course clean up.

This last week has been productive considering the amount of rain we received. A little more than an inch fell early this week, which washed out the bunkers that were just fixed. However, the guys got around the course today and fixed them up so they are ready for play. On that note, the bunker on #6 was fixed today so that is no longer ground under repair. Besides that we have been cleaning up sticks and stump grindings from the winter and trying to get the course ready for play. Also, Laurena is working on all the beds around the clubhouse and on the property. I think you'll be impressed with the colorful display of flowers she planted.

On Monday we found the first annual bluegrass weevils in our trap at the driving range. This isn't a surprise because we found larvae in the chipping green collar last year, but with the traps this year we will know when their populations are increasing and be able to time our sprays accordingly. Our other two traps haven't yet caught any ABW. As you can see below, they are just little guys, but they are not to be taken lightly.

When you get to #3 tee you'll notice the trench lines from last year's irrigation project are covered in a blue fibrous mulch. We re-seeded and fertilized that trench line and the mulch will retain moisture and hold it in place, hopefully resulting in a good germination. I know that the trench gets very close to the cart path in spots, but please do your best to not drive on it until the grass has filled in, it will really help us out a lot! 


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