Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Please excuse our mess!

The volatile spring weather continues to keep us on our feet with a bit of snow today. The good news is that we will be warming up (of course that's relative as it's currently 29) soon and hopefully back to the great golfing weather we had last weekend. Before the rain yesterday, the course had actually dried out quite a bit thanks to the warm weather and the very strong winds. So, hopefully we'll get a bit of wind as we warm up and dry out again, but for the near future it looks like we will be on the cart paths for a while.

This wet spring weather also means that we haven't been able to clean up the course as quickly as we'd like to. On the days when it's wet, we really can't get our vehicles into the rough to grind stumps, or clean them up and fill them with soil and on the days when it's dry enough to do that, we need to be mowing so we don't fall behind. This has led to a frustratingly slow clean up and I do hope that it hasn't affected anyone's enjoyment on the course. I assure you we will get things cleaned up as soon as the weather affords us the opportunity. We continue to add people to our crew and should have more flexibility with our clean up schedule in the near future.

I see that there is a sign up board to commit to playing a faster round of golf outside of the pro shop. So, I thought this article may be of some interest. The real cause of slow play. In this article, John Paul Newport talks about a few different reasons for slow play and a study the USGA is doing to better understand the problem. Now, on the maintenance end of things, I'm guessing none of you want the greens slowed down, so that's probably not a good option. However, what we can try is to cut cups in holes preceding par threes a little tougher and make the par threes less challenging. This may result in less waiting time on par threes if we can do it right. What do you guys thing? Please let me know, we cut cups every day in the summer which means we have plenty of opportunities to try different setup options out that may help speed you guys up. If we find some that cut a few minutes off the length of the round, we can use those on days when we know we'll have a lot of play.

Oh, and don't forget to get your taxes filed if you haven't already.


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