Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Topdressing, dryject and bunker work.

If you've been a member at Barrington for more than a year, then you know that in the fall we put out a lot of sand. We've been topdressing fairways for ten years and the play-ability and health continue to improve. By doing this, we are diluting the thatch, improving the soil profile, firming up fairways and helping them to bounce back quicker from heavy rain events. In addition to fairways, we started heavily topdressing spots in the rough a few years ago to help improve those areas as well. As long as the weather is nice, you'll continue to see sand all over the place. We understand this probably is having a negative effect on your round this time of year, but know that the course needs this and will improve because of it.

Soil profile on fairway. We have about 2.5" of sand built up.

Last week we dryjected greens in order to get more sand into the soil profile. Dryject also gets sand deeper into the soil profile than we are able to get with traditional aerifying, which makes it a very nice compliment to our traditional aerification. By continuing to put sand on greens we are able to maintain firm and dry playing conditions throughout the summer while keeping the playing surface healthy.

Dryjecting holes.

The bunker work is off to a great start this fall. The weather has been great and we've been able to get rolling on quite a few holes already. We have started cleaning out bunkers on 8,9,11,12,14 and 18 which includes cleaning the sand out, pulling out the old drainage and putting in new drains. There are a few holes that require some extensive grade work as well. Those areas will have the banks sodded this fall so they're ready to go in the spring. I've included some pictures below, but as always if you want more information, please get in touch with us or just come on out and take a look.


#12 left side.

#12 right side. Now two bunkers

#14 left side. There is a lot of grade work here.

Enjoy the nice weather today and cheer the Indians on tonight in game 7!


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