Thursday, September 3, 2015

Heat wave.

The last few days have been hot, too hot for me in September. This is the time of year when things should cool down and allow us to enjoy some nice 70 degree days with a light breeze. However, we got stuck with a hot September this year and we're actually in pretty good shape considering how hot it's been. We put out some wetting agent last week and that has really helped the tees and fairways hold in there through this heat. I don't know because I haven't played, but it seems like the course should be playing firm. It looks like the heat is going to be around for a few more days so we should be able to keep the playing conditions this way until we aerify.

We've had a few sink holes showing up around catch basins on the course which I think is a result of all the heavy rains we had earlier this summer. Sometimes the heavy rain can cause pipes to cave in, resulting in a hole where pea gravel, sand and soil are then able to wash through resulting in a sink hole. We fixed one on #13 and one on #14 and if you ever notice one starting please let us know, we want to repair these as quickly as possible.

Sink hole on #14. 

No problem for Joe. Yes he did need that ladder to get out. 

A little expanding foam to fill the hole and we're back to good in no time. 

Next week we will aerify and it is just in time. The course is in good shape but is starting to show its wear a little bit. Aerifying and a few days off will do the trick. I covered some of the benefits of aerifying in this post last year. We tested out our aerifiers today on the target greens at the driving range and will keep our powder dry until Tuesday morning. Have a good holiday weekend and we'll see you after we're done punching a lot of holes!

I wasn't joking about Joe needing that ladder.


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