Friday, May 22, 2015

Irrigation, boxwoods and cart traffic.

This week we had a lot of irrigation leaks to fix before we could move forward with some of our projects. It's very frustrating at times, but it happens. At the range we had five leaks show up when we filled the lines and two of the leaks were below the new cart path. We knew something like this may happen, which is why we wanted to find the leaks before we paved. At the clubhouse we had a few small lines to fix, which was no big deal. What turned into a bit of an issue was when the 2" line we were working next to decided to let lose without warning after we left. Thankfully, Mark was still on site and able to valve it off, but luck wasn't on our side this week. 

One of the leaks at the range. 
This is not good. 
The head works better when it's connected to the pipe in the ground. 
The new beds at the clubhouse are nearly finished. All that's left is to plant some annuals in front of the boxwoods. Also, a few guys came in and fixed the wall in spots where it was starting to come apart; they are doing a great job. The final product looks pretty nice and we hope that you like it. 
Finally, I'd like to ask that everyone does their best to keep from driving in the fescue areas. We want people to stay out because once the fescue gets beat down it takes a long time for it to recover. Now, I realize this is likely cart traffic from one of the outings, but I just wanted to get it out there. Thanks a lot! 
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend, it looks like we're in for some great weather! 


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