Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Heavy winds, irrigation and golf boards.

It was in the 70's last week and it snowed today. Such is life when it's April in Ohio. None of the snow accumulated but when the front came in last night it brought heavy winds which scattered branches and even blew over a few trees on the course. However, the wind wasn't all bad, it has helped to dry the course out.... a bit. We are still pretty wet however, we are starting to head in the right direction. We have been able to mow fairways a few times and we brought back our rough mowers. If you keep your eye out you'll see Jim Burke enjoying his "retirement" while he helps us out mowing rough and fairways.

Serious wind.

Today we filled the irrigation system with water. Whenever we fill the system it always seems too early but we do so that we can deal with any problems that have developed over the winter, before we really need the system. So far, so good. We had one leak that was an easy fix and there are a few problems we have to iron out in the satellites (the green boxes on the course) but overall it's gone well. However, it's a big system and there are a lot of places where things can go wrong so, I'm sure we'll find a few more issues in the coming days.

Can you tell where the leak is?

Finally, a friend told me about GolfBoard. It's a single rider board that carries clubs and cruises around the course. I'm not sure what will come of this but, it's always interesting to see new products. What do you think?


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