Friday, January 29, 2016

Blue tilapia, a bald eagle and asking for help.

Part of what we do in the winter is plan out our disease and pest management plans for the upcoming season. This year we came across something a little different when trying to manage the algae and other aquatic weeds in our ponds. Blue tilapia is a fish that is originally from Africa but has recently been brought into the Ohio area as a means of algae control. Apparently, the fish do a great job of consuming aquatic weeds; weeds that we normally apply chemicals to control. So, this year we are going to stock our ponds in late May with the tilapia and see how well they do. If they are successful, we will not only save money on our algae control but, we should also have healthier ponds. The largest drawback is that you have to buy these fish every year because they do not survive the cold winters. However, they become a great food supply for the predatory fish and because they don't survive the winters, they cannot become an invasive species. Hopefully this works because it will save us money and the process of treating the ponds every few weeks is a hassle that would be great to avoid. Below are links providing more information about the fish.

Blue tilapia stars in pond algae war

Tilapia for pond management

This week we had a pretty impressive bald eagle on the course for an hour or so. I'm not sure where it came from but it was fun to watch it hunt for a bit. I tried to get a good picture of it but I wasn't able to get very close without scaring it away. The best I got was when it was standing on the ice in the middle of the pond.

As I've discussed before on this blog, we are working with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to reduce our Canada goose population. One thing of the bigger issues we have is that when the geese leave our property we cannot harass them or work on their nests. The representative from the ODNR told me that if we received permission from homeowners, the egg destruction permit he issues the golf course would be good on those properties as well. So, if you live in the neighborhood and have unwanted geese nesting on your property, I would be glad to come over and harass them and destroy their eggs so that you don't have to deal with a family of geese all summer. You can get in touch with me through email me at or send me a message through the blog. Thanks a lot.


1 comment:

  1. I have 15yrs+ experience in golf course maintenance I can run any machine I live close would like to get back working on the golf course contact me please Drew Anthony 2167049863
